Muzi Ngobese
Drives for:
Mavukane Transport
Nominated by:
Muzi Ngobese is the youngest driver in his group, however, he has learnt the ropes of his role to the extent that senior management relies on him for financial advice, competent driver recruitment and following the correct procedure during the procurement of truck spares.
Upon the establishment of the operation, he was the entity’s only driver, yet he has ensured that senior management of the company – headed by women – was well assisted in the event of a breakdown. If there’s a need to procure spares and should there be new compliance requirements from client, he always takes it upon himself to ensure that what is required gets submitted and he also follows up get feedback for management.
In 2023, the revenue he generated made it possible for the entity to increase its fleet from 1 to 2 trucks. This was after the client increased demand because of the performance that one truck and one driver was able to achieve. The new driver learnt the ropes of how the client’s operation worked through Muzi’s determination for growth. He is selfless when it comes to sharing information/knowledge, and this eases the weight of the bosses – knowing that there is someone on the ground who is always willing to go beyond the call of duty to help the company grow.
Muzi has managed to keep his driver performance dashboard on excellent. With that said, he manages to meet or exceed the monthly targets while also adhering to safety compliance requirements.
Though alcohol remains a challenge in the transportation business, the entity has never had to request his breathalyzer results. They are required to submit these before the commencement of every shift through the iSober Pro device, which transmits their results to senior management remotely. This proves that he takes safety seriously and doesn’t want to put the company’s reputation at risk with its clients, as he has never had an incident of producing positive results.
In 2024, he reached all the set monthly targets and beat his workmate, except in April when his truck had a major breakdown due to a clutch problem. The level of his determination and performance has now afforded the entity the chance to be approved for two more trucks by the bank, meaning the fleet will have grown from one to four by the end of 2024.
The client has opened up more doors for our services, where we have gone from transporting only recycling waste to being awarded another agreement to transport finished goods.
Ultimately, this driver deserves to be recognised for his willingness to go beyond the call of duty by advising senior management on cost-saving strategies, knocking on doors on behalf of the entity, indirectly performing and exceeding his employer’s expectations and also being hands-on when the company employs a new driver. He ensures that the driver gets a grip on how the operation works.